Just when I thought my bench build was finished this little delight turned up on my doorstep. I had not wanted to venture into the world of wooden screw making during the build (there are only so many rabbit holes you can disappear down) so a metal screw was the choice I made. The screw shown here is a "second" and "not fit for sale" from The English Woodworker. Now if this thing is a second I can only imagine how awesome the "first quality" examples are. What is really pleasing is that I can now create a look very close to the original Nicholson examples, if you copy and paste this link into youtube you can see how my bench should look with the wooden screw fitted. I will be sure to share how I get on with this new addition just as soon as it is fitted.
Some of the few visitors to this blog may have noticed a pause in posting articles. This is due to one main factor and that is improving my video content. The experiments I have done thus far on my mobile phone have taught me a great deal, namely I need to improve. To that end my new video content will take two main forms, a "Quick Tips" & "Project Format". The quick tips will be short vids, limited to no more than 10mins at the very most and the project will be 20min(ish) segment to go with a blog article separated over a period of time. That should make watching easier to digest, avoiding the epic oilstone vid I did!
You might recall I bought a set of the narex 8105 shown above, in short they are really really good but I decided to pause on a review. I thought it best to take photos and notes to do a long term test on these. As I mentioned I will be giving away my set of Faithfull brand chisels and now a metal vice screw too, so stay posted for some free stuff.