Chairs Repared

Due to the poor condition of the chairs I posted about last time I'm not sure just how long the repairs will last. We've been pragmaic in our approach and I hope that they'll last a few years more. The long split on the leg was pretty easy to repair thanks to the split/break being so long. That kind of break creates lots of long grain to long grain glue surface area, ensuring a good bond. Although you can see the glue joint, shown below, it's as good as can be hoped for.

he other issues were sorted with screws, glue and plugs. Not ideal, but in this situation the best approach as it combines mechanical strength and glue strength. If these chairs were able to take a more traditional repair, trust me, we'd do it.

One thing I noticed on the back is what I assume to be a makers mark. I'm no furniture expert and I'm pretty sure these are pretty much run of the mill chairs and the marks are unlikely the sign of some old time chair makers. However the chairs have an elm seat, oak legs and beech back, the kind of vernacular mix of highly appropriate timbers, especially the elm with it's tightly woven grain proving a very split resistant seat. Anyway, pleased to see the chairs getting some more years of use.

If you'd like to watch some excellent traditional rural chair making, take a look at the video from Erco Furniture shown below.